Sunday, April 12, 2009

saturday and hurricanes.

i have blogged more than i thought i would, today was a great day! oh man, God is so good, and i mean that. i think sometimes we employ "christianeese" out of routine or whatever, and thats wierd to me anyway..... my wife and i visited a church this morning that is right across the street from our house, since we stepped down from the ministry position we were in, we just felt like we needed to go somewhere neutral and just allow God's love to just peace just restore us.

i have learned lately that sometimes the blessing from God looks and feels more like a curse, and it doesnt make sense to other people, (or ourselves for that matter). i am a huge believer that as a christian life is not easy, and there are valleys and more valleys, and the some mountain tops. something God has been teaching me is too trust even in the valley, and that there is blessing in the valley. i think a bigger blessing than most of us realize, our hearts just have to be open to it. my mom is a nurse and she delivers babies and she made a cool connection a few years ago, that i was reminded of. for every gift/blessing/new season, there is a 'birthing season' of season of struggle, and pain, and desperation, before the blessing. God uses the valley to take us to the mountain top, to restore our vision, to give us a taste of what is to come. i know this sounds funny coming from a guy, but this past 4 months my wife and i can totally relate (no, we dont have children yet haha knock on wood).

today at church the pastor talked about how our life is like a canvas and that we can struggle with the artist all we want but, in the end we are going to look like his plan for us. and for some of us the artist is painting our lives the way we want, and at the same time things are not going as well for others... and some of us are in between a good day and a bad day. he sumed it up with this cool thought...

for some us we are like the early church and followers of Jesus, something new and fresh has arrived, and it is what we are made for, and we dive right in and before we know it, its gone (Jesus's death). We dont understand, we are left in the dark, life has thrown us a curve. Those days are called friday.

then for some of us, our friday has already come, we have seen the initial promise of God, we have caught a glimps of how things are going to be, and we are left hoping and doubting that sunday's promise will happen, and we are kinda left stranded it feels like. we feel lost, out of place, and completely flat, but there is a small amount of hope stirring inside of us. this day is called saturday.

the only thing left to come, is the day when everything is made new, the stone is rolled away and the glory of God is relvealed, that is our mountaintop. this day is called sunday.

today is a saturday for us, friday happened about 4 months ago, the sun has not totally set, but we know sunday is on its way, i can smell it in wind (Ps. 104:4), its like are alomst over the top of the sand dune, and we can roll down into the oasis! i cant wait!

"his love is like a hurricane, i am tree, bending in the waiting of his mercy- John Mark McMillian"
one of my favorite lyrics, and we are ready.

currently listening to : "blood bank": by Bon Iver

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