Wednesday, April 1, 2009


so it is april now, wow time has really flown by. over the past month we have been in such a huge state of transition... i think we are always in transition, we are all moving from some place to the next and somethings just happen at a faster rater than others. for the past year and a half my wife and i were youth pastors at a church in town, and we had poured so much of ourselves into the ministry and the families there. we have the best friends there, and some really great memories, and some really bad ones too. reciently in the past two weeks our position was cut (we actually stepped down a few weeks early just to help the resolve the situation). as hard as it was knowing that we were not going to have a job anymore, it was even harder being there when we knew our hearts were somewhere else. about a month ago, it was like God just turned out the lights inside our hearts for that ministry. we love the kids so much, and their families, but we felt like something was up.

it is funny how God works too, he closes doors (sometimes it feels like he slams them in your face) and he opens doors. the day after we stepped down, an opprotunity for a pastor position opened up effortessly right in front of us. we feel a strong peace about the entire situation and are continuing to seek God's face for this next season of our lives. we do not have anything burdensome holding us back, and we havent quite got that sense of adventure (but i feel it coming). i love the relationships we have built here, some of the greatest friends ive ever had, but i know that a friendship cant be measured by miles....

so we shall see what happens in the next few weeks, ill keep you posted.
currently listening to: Josh Moore on myspace



  1. Much love to you guys! I'm glad you started a blog! Yeah!

  2. It is refreshing to see people putting their faith and trust in the guidance of the Lord when so many are questioning his love.

    Stay strong
